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So does the author. I was chuffed to find a fan in the wilds of the Philippines during my last visit to Bohol Island. Yes, they had heard all about the garrulous gumshoe and read some of his outrageous adventures. This was a big commitment because the add-on freight charge on books delivered through Singapore is substantial. It has been gratifying to learn that my stories have found their way from Guam to Guatemala and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Christmas and New Year is holiday time and a great opportunity to chill out with a good book. For me, it’s an opportunity to write a book or, at least, quite a few chapters. Many of you would envy the idyllic work space you see above, although it is not too different from some of the holiday hot spots in Australia. However, the weather is more predictable.

Although there has been considerable pressure for me to awaken the sleeping giant (Paddy Pest), he will not be featured in my new novel. I am lurching about without any direction at the moment and my saga of European settlement in Australia is a far cry from anything I have done before. By the same token, nobody (including myself) expected me to write a Sci-Fi spoof. It was so well received I believe I am an honorary invitee on the next rocket ship to Mars.


Written by: Gerry Burke
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